Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Fred Thompson, talking to Sean Hannity, about Hillary's eventual support of Spitzer's plan for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants:

"It took her twelve hours to come up with the wrong answer."


Anonymous said...

Chomp, que pasa mo amiga!? Todo bien? I hope so.
I heard that sound bite of Fred's yesterday. He really seems to be hitting his stride after a slow start. I'm considering joining his campaign as a volunteer here in NE FL. He seems more Conservative than the others. What do you think?
I'll see you in a few hours after I'm done running down potential customers. They don't know it yet, but they're DYING to write me a check! :-)


The Merry Widow said...

Morgan, you are a hoot! Try using a cast net...
As for Fred's remark...GOOD ONE!


CHOMP said...

Morgan, Love the Spanish. I was learning Spanish in school, then switched schools and had to take French. So I never really learned either one. To answer your question (in English), I'm fine!

Hi Merry Widow... don't ya just love that assessment of Hillary!

I do think Fred is a pretty conservative fellow. I also think he got too late a start. At least he is making the election process interesting!