Accused Christmas tree farm murder suspect ran to dad
By WINK News
Story Created: Jan 27, 2008 at 5:14 PM EST
Story Updated: Jan 27, 2008 at 8:30 PM EST
PORT CHARLOTTE, Fla. - " We can hear the fellow outside say put your hands up and get the cuffs on him," said Richard Womak. Richard Woman and a usually quiet and peaceful neighborhood is left puzzled, when authorities discover a fugitive hiding in their neighborhood.
He actually flashed his U.S Marshall's badge and said we're doing a surveillance on a triple homicide," said Womack.
On Saturday U.S. Marshall's arrested 48-year-old Frederick Hammer after they received a tip that fugitive was staying at this Port Charlotte home.
Hammer was on the run, wanted for his alleged connection to a triple murder on a Christmas tree farm more than 750-miles away.
Seventy four year-old Ron Hudler, his son Fred Hudler and worker on the farm John Miller were all shot and killed at the senior Hudler's home on Thursday.
Deputies say the motive may have been robbery, Hudler was known to keep large amounts of cash in a safe.
Shortly after the murders, deputies questioned Hammer. He then disappeared, three days later, he was found in Southwest Florida.
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