leading to the arrest and indictment of Yaser Abdel Said.

Amina (left) and Sarah Said
Slain Teen Girls' Brother Begs for Suspect Father to Turn Himself In
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008
As the family of two teenage Texas girls allegedly shot by their father and left to die in his taxi prepared to bury them, their brother issued a plea to his father.
"I just hope he turns himself in because, you know, he messed up the whole family," Islam Said, 19, told MyFOXDFW.com after his sisters were found dead Tuesday night.
Said said his father, Yaser Abdel Said, 50, of Lewisville, Texas, was having a very hard time when his daughters, Sarah Yaser Said, 17, and Amina Yaser Said, 18, started dating.
Connie Moggio, the girls' aunt, said there had been turbulence in the Said household for a while. She said her sister married Yaser Abdel Said at the age of 15 and was pregnant shortly after, adding she had tried to leave her husband many times over the years, most recently, on Christmas Eve.
"A few days before she called me at my job and told me she was leaving because he had threatened the girls because they were dating," Moggio told MyFOXDFW.com.
Police said they do not have a motive for the shootings but believe a domestic issue may have led to the deaths.
Their funeral was to be held at noon on Saturday in Dallas.
Friends and Lewisville High School classmates of the Said girls posted photos and comments in a tribute to the sisters set up on the social networking site Facebook.com called "Rest in Peace, Sarah & Amina."
Click here to see photos.
The page's creator, friend Jenny Lee, encouraged people to document their memories of Amina and Sarah Said.
"We love you so much, and miss you already," she wrote.
Information about memorial services and developments in the case are also included on the Facebook page.
To one with experience in these matters, it is obvious the murders of the beautiful Said sisters in suburban Dallas were dishonor killings.
Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"
Welcome back, ERS,
I am finding more and more stories about honor killings in America...and Canada. I don't know if people realize that Hindus believe in honor killing too.
How are the book sales going? Are you working on another book?
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