Arizona 9-Year-Old Pleads Guilty to Negligent Homicide
Boy, Accused of Killing Father and Another Man, Confessed to Police
A 9-year-old Arizona boy charged with the shooting deaths of his father and father's roommate pleaded guilty today to single charge of negligent homicide.
The plea deal allows that the boy undergo psychiatric evaluation with the possibility that he could avoid incarceration.
In the deal with state prosecutors, two charges of premeditated murder in the death of the two men were dropped in exchange for the admission that the boy shot and killed his father's friend.
In return, Apache County Attorney Michael Whiting wants the boy to undergo extensive mental evaluations and treatment. The plea agreement says any detention will be at the discretion of the court. The boy will also undergo diagnostic evaluations and mental health examinations when he's 12, 15 and 17. The reviews are intended partly to determine whether the boy will pose any danger in the future.
Police said the boy, who was 8 at the time, used a .22-caliber rifle to shoot the two men. He patiently reloaded the weapon and fired multiple times after they returned home from work.
Like I said, these kids are doing it because the media has led them to believe they can get away with it.
I feel for the people (family) involved in this case. No One would ever want this to happen. The police need to focus on Ronald Cummings and who this man has ticked off through his actions of robbing drug dealers ( See www.artharris.com) yes guy is obvious just as uneducated as Ronald)but there has to be some truth there...If u lay dogs, what happens...fleas????? Let's consider the environment. Yes it may be a molestation case and if so Miss Misty was out with go figure Nae Nae and her look alike b-friend......The apple does not fall far from the tree....heck Ron's circumphrance of enemies & boom!
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