Lawrence Alvin Lovett Jr., a suspect in the slaying of Eve Carson, is escorted by Durham police officers out of the police department, March 13.
Laurence Alvin Lovette Jr., 17, is escorted by Durham police officers out of the Durham Police Department in Durham, N.C., Thursday, March 13, 2008. Lovette, the second suspect charged with murdering University of North Carolina student body president Eve Carson surrendered peacefully to police early Thursday, authorities said. Lovette and Demario James Atwater, 21, of Durham, are both charged with first-degree murder in Carson's death. (AP Photo/Sara D. Davis)
Suspects in UNC Death Had Criminal Past
By MIKE BAKER – 1 hour ago / Associated Press
DURHAM, N.C. (AP) — A teenager's arrest Thursday ended a violent crime spree, authorities said, that included the slaying of a graduate student at Duke University and the University of North Carolina's student body president.
Police tracked Laurence Alvin Lovette Jr. to a Durham home, where he surrendered before dawn. He is charged with first-degree murder in the college students' deaths.
Court records show that Lovette, while on probation, had been arrested several times and charged with felonies ranging from burglary to car theft during the months between the two slayings. He was released on bond in those cases and court hearings were pending.
A manhunt started after Eve Carson, 22, a popular student leader at UNC, was found shot death last week on a street about a mile from the campus in nearby Chapel Hill.
Tips generated by several ATM and convenience store surveillance photos led to charges against Lovette, who police said appeared to be driving Carson's Toyota Highlander, and a second suspect in the back seat.
Police have not said whether they think Lovette or the second man charged in her death, 21-year-old Demario James Atwater, pulled the trigger.
Durham Police Chief Jose Lopez said while investigators worked on Carson's death, Lovette became a suspect in the death of Abhijit Mahato, 29, who was found shot to death in January inside his apartment a few block south of Duke's campus. His wallet, cell phone and iPod had been taken.
Mahato, originally of Tatangar, India, was a doctoral student at Duke in computational mechanics.
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