Brother Charged in Deaths of 6 in Memphis Shooting
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Associated Press
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A convicted killer recently released from prison was charged Saturday with fatally shooting his brother during an argument and then killing five witnesses, including two of his brother's children, police said.
Three remaining children were critically wounded in the attack last Sunday, but one of them was able to tell investigators about their assailant, an arrest warrant affidavit said.
Jessie L. Dotson, 33, was arrested on Friday — five days after the six bodies were discovered in a small rental house in a rough neighborhood called Binghampton. The affidavit said Dotson admitted to the killings.
"He tried to kill everyone in the house. He thought everyone in the house was dead," police Lt. Joe Scott said.
Dotson was charged with six counts of first-degree murder and three counts of attempted first-degree murder, police said. Among those killed was Dotson's brother, Cecil, 30, who was the father of all the children, ages 9 to 2 months.
Also killed were Hollis Seals, 33, Shindri Roberson, 25, and Marissa Rene Williams, 26, the mother of four of Cecil Dotson's children. Police identified the dead children as Cemario Dotson, 4, and Cecil Dotson, 2.
The surviving children remain under police custody at a children's hospital, but police declined to reveal their identities or their conditions.
One of the children "implicated Jessie Dotson as the person responsible," an arrest warrant affidavit said.
are you suggesting that we comment about what is on another site, here ???
When will it stop. what could his brother had done to him to make him that angry, I pray for the mother, I know she wonder's what type of monster did she birth? this is awful they should put him a front of a firing sqaud, a eye for an eye. and this devil killed kids too death row is too good for him
i live in new york were kilin is an everyday thing the pain in my heart is all so real and my soul is full of fear . a mothers heart broke in two one son lost to death and the other lost to the prison walls .i hear her crys as i feel my own for im livin the same life from a distance because murder is all i know and life in prison is all i feel the pain and vilonet world we live in will this ever change . i pray for his family as i do for my own cuz i am dealin with a similar situation and it hurts more than i have ever hurt before. i hope someday u can began to heal and may your family be blessed and try to have a happy life and know that there are people tryin to handle the same thing u are. i am a mother of 6 and i pray for you jessie and i hope oneday u will understand what u did and u know u have to deal with this in your heart everyday.god bless all of you and cecil and family may u all rest in peace....
For more information A & E has a show called The First 48...one of the July 2008 profiles this murder. Quite emotional and sad to watch.
If people do not want to see the pics they do not have to click on the link....especially knowing FULL well that the link is going to take them to a site that will show a body in a morgue. It makes about as much sense clicking on a link that you KNOW goes to a pic of a dead body, then posting a comment like "I am absolutely disgusted at what I saw", as coming up on an auto accident scene on the freeway and NOT wanting to see scenes of carnage or mangled bodies, then going around saying "Those police and people should have covered up those bodies!" when everyone knows that people ALWAYS slow down at an auto accident scene to hope they can get a glimpse of a mangled body somewhere in the carnage....people are just plain HYPOCRITES!!!
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