Today Show
Mother does not know where Caylee Anthony is, defense attorney says
Amy L. Edwards, Walter Pacheco and Sara K. Clarke Sentinel Staff Writers
3:37 PM EDT, July 21, 2008
Casey Anthony does not know where her missing 2-year-old daughter is, but she wants out of jail so she can join the search in finding the girl, defense attorney Jose Baez said at a press conference this afternoon.
Baez, who is representing the 22-year-old mother, said Anthony is "willing to cooperate fully" with law enforcement. But their assistance, he said, should be used to help find Caylee Marie Anthony and not prosecute his client.
Caylee has reportedly been missing since June 9. Anthony was arrested Wednesday after telling Orange County sheriff's detectives a string of lies about her daughter's disappearance.
When asked why his client lied to detectives, Baez said, "I'm aware and I have to save that for her defense."
Baez said he has requested a sketch artist to depict the babysitter, who may have ties to Miami; Bradenton; Gainesville; Charlotte, N.C.; Brooklyn and New York City.
Earlier today, Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, told the Orlando Sentinel there may be ties to coastal cities. Anthony said her daughter told several people Caylee was at the beach, and so they are spreading the word to East and Gulf Coast communities.
Padilla said deputies are still operating under the hope that Caylee is alive. He said help from Caylee's mother is key to finding the child but that she has "not done anything to facilitate us locating this child."
Strange Grandma says her daughter knows who she handed caylee to, but she won't tell.
Any mother who truly loved her child would do EVERYTHING possible to help authorities. It's interesting that the mother won't even help with the investigation "because she's in jail." That is just ludicrous. Something is very wrong here, and something evil has taken place. May God have mercy on this woman and her mother who are BOTH hiding something. And may God watch over little Caylee.
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